The Future of Robotics
Perhaps the most exciting news of the future of smartphone technology is Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 820. Qualcomm recently announced that it is working on this new type of processor—the first of its kind—that will enable smartphones to learn. With the launch of Snapdragon 820, smartphones equipped with the new technology will be able to acquire information about their environments and their users, and detect sounds and motions to make educated decisions of their own.This type of autonomous decision-making has thus far been met with mixed reactions when it has been incorporated, to different extents, intopast devices. For example, vehicles that were recently released with many programs that made the cars able to nearly drive themselves, such as automatic parallel parking, were not accepted or desired by everyone. Now, vehicle manufacturers actually market to the opposite side, appealing to drivers who wish to gain back the power they had before most of the power was given to the vehicle to make decisions of its own.
This attitude reflects the natural human tendency to lean away from machines that make decisions of their own and take actions without our telling them to do so. However, smartphone technology that has the ability to act on its own does have benefits. A smartphone is something that nearly every person now carries with them at all times. Having a smartphone in your pocket that can work with you as a sort of side-kick when you need it has the potential to be a great safety measure. Especially with the rise of assault rates on college campuses, students could carry smartphones in their pockets or purses that video-tape or record audio of an event when the phone senses an attack is underway. The phone could also be programmed to call for help when a certain set of circumstances arises. In this way, a person alone in the dark is never truly alone if they have their smartphone.
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